Copy Course

Copy Course


The "Copy course" function allows you to quickly duplicate an entire course and add it to a course category. 

The "Copy Course" function in a Learning Management System (LMS) can be a valuable feature for internal staff training in various scenarios where you need to replicate or adapt existing course content for different purposes or audiences. Here's a use case example of how the copy course function can be used:

Creating Department-Specific Training Modules

Scenario: A large organization offers a general onboarding course for all new employees. However, different departments within the organization have specific training needs that go beyond the general onboarding content. For example, the IT department requires cybersecurity training, while the HR department needs specialized diversity and inclusion training.

By using the "Copy Course" function in the LMS, organizations can efficiently adapt and customize training content for various internal departments, ensuring that employees receive the specific knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles while maintaining consistency and quality across the board. This approach optimizes the use of existing resources and enhances the overall training experience for staff.


Step 1: In the course you wish to duplicate, click on "Course admin" and then "Copy course."

Step 2: Here you can (1) give your course copy a full and short name and select a course category to which it should be added. You can also (2) optionally define course settings and select whether or not to copy users and user data for certain roles. 

Once you're happy, click on "Copy and return" to return to the original course or "Copy and view" to view the new course copy. 

Step 3: Allow the system a few minutes to perform the duplication.

Your course copy will now be displayed in the selected category.

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