Bulk Assign Roles

Bulk Assign Roles


If you need to assign roles to a large number of users, you can upload a text (.csv) file to bulk assign roles. 

Use Case Example:

This is particularly useful for training managers in the corporate space who need to manage user roles efficiently. ensuring the smooth administration of their training programs.

For example: If a training manager needs to assign 'Course Editor' roles to multiple users for a specific course, they can simply upload a CSV file with the necessary user information and role assignments. This streamlines the process and saves time compared to manually assigning roles individually.


Simply add "role1" as another column in your .csv file (used in bulk upload) and use the following short names:

Site Wide Roles:

Site Admin = "admin"
(Site) Course Creator = "sitecoursecreator"

Course Roles:

Course Instructor = "editingteacher"
Manager = "coursemanager"


Note: Member does not need to be assigned as this is the default role.

Step 1: Head over to "Site admin" > "User Management" > "Bulk upload users."

Step 2: Upload your populated (1) CSV file and then click on (2) "Bulk upload users via CSV."

Step 3: Review user information then click on "Bulk upload users via CSV."

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